Superconductivity: pair스포츠 토토 라이브 스코어g
" Maxwells demon is a hypothetical being of intelligence with molecular
order of size imagined to illustrate limitation of the second law of
thermodynamics. The Szilard engine (SZE), a physical realization
of Maxwells demon,is a machinery which extracts useful work from
information entropy. We have investigated its fully quantum mechanical
description and found the amount of extractable work is given by the
so-called relative entropy. We also discuss manifestation of quantum
statistical nature of identical particles, i.e. bosons and fermions, in a
many-particle quantum SZE. In this talk you will enjoy various aspects
of information in Physics."
order of size imagined to illustrate limitation of the second law of
thermodynamics. The Szilard engine (SZE), a physical realization
of Maxwells demon,is a machinery which extracts useful work from
information entropy. We have investigated its fully quantum mechanical
description and found the amount of extractable work is given by the
so-called relative entropy. We also discuss manifestation of quantum
statistical nature of identical particles, i.e. bosons and fermions, in a
many-particle quantum SZE. In this talk you will enjoy various aspects
of information in Physics."