• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
스포츠 토토 라이브 스코어

Synthetic magnetic field 토토 분석 condensed


" Despite many efforts to uncover the mechanism of supersolidity since the first observation of non-classical rotational inertia in solid 스포츠 토토 라이브 스코어 in 2004 [1], the microscopic origin and physical interpretation of the observed phenomena is still a subject of considerable intrigue. In this talk, I will review and correlate recent experimental results to provide an up-to-date picture of what we do and still do not understand. I will also take the opportunity to highlight the recent progress in solid 스포츠 토토 라이브 스코어 experiment under rotation.

1. E. Kim and M. H. W. Chan, Nature 427, 225 (2004) "