• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 후기
토토 후기
토토 후기

토토 후기 Accelerator and its Utilization for Future Technology Developm…


"In the 21st century, science and technology require detailed understandings of the quantum behaviour of materials on either molecular or atomic s cale. Particle beams, like photon, electron, neutron and 토토 후기, can provide us with manipulative and visual tools to fabricate and probe

materials on the nano-scale. Especially, high-power 토토 후기 accelerators can produce high-intensity beams of 토토 후기s and also secondary particles, such as neutrons, radionuclei, mesons, and neutrinos. Such intense beams provide practical and efficient methods to realize quantum ngineering. This talk covers various fields of utilizations and potential applications of the 토토 후기 beams with a wide range of energy, current, and beam power in the fields of material, biological And medical researches, energy and environmental researches, industrial and defense pplications, even space technology. High power 토토 후기 beams with energies around 1 GeV

have many uses in spallation neutron sources, radioactive nuclei beams and in high energy physics experiments. In addition, this talk introduces the 토토 후기 Engineering Frontier Project launched by the Korean government in 2002 to realize utilizations and applications of high-intensity 토토 후기 beams. Its primary goal is to develop a high current 토토 후기 linear accelerator to supply 100 MeV, 20 mA 토토 후기 beams. It can be used as a 토토 후기 provider for various applications in the low to medium energy range or a 토토 후기 driver of a high energy 토토 후기 machine for a future extension."