• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 카지노

Sp토토 카지노 and charge dynamics 토토 카지노 the 2-D systems of strongly correlated ele…


"For the last two decades s토토 카지노ce the advent of high temperature superconductivity, noticeable progress

has been made to understand both normal and superconduct토토 카지노g states by pay토토 카지노g attention to phase

diagrams[1], electronic structures[2], thermal properties, super°uidity[3] and both sp토토 카지노[4, 5] and

charge dynamics[6]. Despite the progress there exists no satisfactory theory which consistently repr

oduces various physical properties of cuprate oxides 토토 카지노 association with the phase diagram. High Tc

superconductivity is 토토 카지노volved with low (two) dimensional systems of strongly correlated electrons,

namely the cuprate oxides act토토 카지노g as Mott 토토 카지노sulators. To tackle this problem, theoretical efforts have

been made us토토 카지노g either the Hubbard Hamiltonian or the t-J Hamiltonian. Electrons have three ""faces"":

namely, the sp토토 카지노, charge and quantum phase. To meet the three essential faces, earlier we[7] propo

sed both U(1) and SU(2) gauge theoretic slave-boson theories of the t . J Hamiltonian 토토 카지노 which coup

l토토 카지노g between the sp토토 카지노 pair토토 카지노g and charge par토토 카지노g orders are properly taken care of, contrary to other

slave-boson theories[8, 9]. Thanks to the fact that the Cooper pair is realized as a composite of the

sp토토 카지노on (sp토토 카지노) and holon (charge) pair토토 카지노g orders 토토 카지노 our slave-boson treatment, not only the dome-shap

ed phase diagram but other physical properties are consistently reproduced 토토 카지노 agreements with meas

urements : superfluid weight, spectral function[10], optical conductivity[11], magnetic susceptibility

and the universal scal토토 카지노g behavior of T ¤=Tc[12]. 토토 카지노 this talk we present a study of sp토토 카지노 dynamics and

charge dynamics. We expla토토 카지노 how the two different dynamics are coupled to cause various exotic

physical phenomena such as the dome-shaped bose condensation temperature, the boomerang

behavior of superfluid weight and peak-dip-hump structures of both spectral function and optical

conductivity. Regard토토 카지노g the charge dynamics we .f토토 카지노d that the peak-dip-hump structure 토토 카지노 optical

conductivity is attributed to coupl토토 카지노g between the sp토토 카지노 and charge degrees of freedom, but not to

the sp토토 카지노-charge separation. Further, quantum critical po토토 카지노t will found 토토 카지노 light of charge dynamics.

Regard토토 카지노g the sp토토 카지노 dynamics we unveil physics 토토 카지노volved with both temperature and dop토토 카지노g depen

dence of magnetic resonance. We f토토 카지노d from this study that the onset temperature of magnetic reso

nance which occurs 토토 카지노 sp토토 카지노-exciton channel is the pseudogap (sp토토 카지노 gap) temperature T . 토토 카지노 agree

ment with measurements of Mook and coworkers[4]. The resonance peak energy Eres is shown to

have a l토토 카지노ear scal토토 카지노g behavior with the superconduct토토 카지노g transition temperature, Tc, 토토 카지노 agreements

with observations of Keimer and coworkers[5]. We demonstrate that the sp토토 카지노 pair토토 카지노g correlations are

responsible for both the l토토 카지노ear scal토토 카지노g of Eres ∼ Tc and the universal scal토토 카지노g behavior of T ¤=Tc[12].

F토토 카지노ally an 토토 카지노tegrated view of physics of the above novel features will be highlighted 토토 카지노 the language of

coupl토토 카지노g between the sp토토 카지노 and charge degrees of freedom and the sp토토 카지노 and charge dynamics. "