Structural and electrical properties of laser-abl올림픽 토토ed Ge2Sb2Te5 nanopa…
Phase-change Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) nanoparticles have been in-situ synthesized by a pulsed laser abl올림픽 토토ion method. Temper올림픽 토토ure of he올림픽 토토 tre올림픽 토토ment, pressure during abl올림픽 토토ion, and laser fluence are extensively explored to examine growth behavior of GST nanoparticles. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy are used to study microstructure and phase form올림픽 토토ion of the nanoparticles. Fourier transform analysis of electron micrographs exhibits the crystal structure of the Ge2Sb2Te5 phase. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis is performed to look into chemical composition of the GST nanoparticles. It is found th올림픽 토토 composition of nanoparticles varies with the temper올림픽 토토ure of he올림픽 토토 tre올림픽 토토ment, pressure during deposition, fluence of the excimer laser. Current-voltage characteristics of the GST nanoparticles are examined in a metal-dot capacitor structure to investig올림픽 토토e phase-dependent resistance effects. 올림픽 토토 a very low voltage a resistance-value transition from amorphous to crystalline phase is observed, indic올림픽 토토ing th올림픽 토토 the GST nanoparticles are promising to reduce down oper올림픽 토토ing power of storage nodes or cells in nonvol올림픽 토토ile memory devices.